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Writer's pictureCaylie Mindling

2022 Off the Grid FAQs

I'm taking 2022 Off the Social Media Grid and that's a decision that I took a long time to suss out. While the choice is deeply personal, I'm happy to share why I'm doing it and how I came to this decision. I did so here, in the blog titled "Taking 2022 Off the Grid of Social Media: An Experiment" and I'll continue to talk about it and my time of it throughout the year for my email subscribers.

But that naturally comes with logistics and questions, so here's some helpful answers:


You're really gone for all of 2022?


Are you taking your social media down?

Nope. I'm leaving them up for now. I know not everyone is going to see this, so if they come across one of my already out there posts or visit my profile, they'll just be directed to my website. Like a billboard, but digital, and not very close to cows or cars.

How will I know what products you're selling?

I will be sharing products via my email list, just like your favorite brands already do, but with more "Cayligraphy" umph. You are always welcome to peruse my website's store and reach out if you have a specific question! On social media, follow the stores I'm in to see what they have in stock.

How can I get in contact with you?

How are you going to share what you're up to?

Regular emails to my subscribers! You'll actually be more consistently updated as to what I'm up to than my on-again, off-again relationship with the 'gram.

Just email?

I'm open to pen pal requests.

Where can I order artwork from you?

You can always shop my website's store, reach out for custom artwork, or frequent one of the stores Cayligraphy is in across Kentucky.

How will I know what events and shows you're participating in?

I'll tell you about them in my regular electronic letters.

How will brands get ahold of you?

Same as I've always directed: please email me! No getting lost in DMs--bonus!

Have another question I didn't address here?

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